6 Reasons Why International Students Should Choose an Accredited School

6 Reasons Why International Students Should Choose an Accredited School

As an international student, it is important that you know if the school that you choose to attend is accredited. “Accredited” means that something is good enough to be given official approval. The reasons below explain why you should choose an accredited school.

  1. High Academic Standards: Accreditation certifies that a school meets a certain level of academic standards.
  2. Continuous Improvement: Accreditation creates goals for schools and constantly seeks for improvement in all areas.
  3. Qualified Instructors: Accreditation requires that schools hire and retain qualified instructors.
  4. Transfer Credits: If in the future you want to transfer your credits to another school, accredited schools will only accept credits that come from an accredited school.
  5. OPT/CPT: If you are participating in OPT or CPT, accreditation helps employers determine the quality of your education and make a decision if you are qualified for the position.
  6. Maintaining F-1 Status: It is important that the school you are enrolled in is in good standing with SEVIS. Accredited schools help you maintain your F-1 student status.
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