Placement Rate Methodology

Midwestern Career College (MCC) calculates placement rates based on the formula mandated by the Council on Occupational Education (COE):

Placement Rate = (Graduate Completers Employed in Positions Related to Field of Instruction + Non-Graduate Completers Employed in Positions Related to Field of Instruction) / (Total Graduate Completers + Non-Graduate completers  – Graduate Completers Waiting to Take Licensure Exam – Graduate Completers who are Awaiting Results for Licensure Exam – Graduate Completers Unavailable for Employment – Graduate Completers Who Refused Employment ) * 100

Graduate Completers:  The number of students who have demonstrated the competencies required for a program and have been awarded the appropriate certificates, diplomas, and/or degrees upon completion.

Graduate Completers Employed in Positions Related to Field of Instruction: Graduates who (1) are employed in the field of instruction pursued, (2) have entered the military, or (3) are continuing their education.

Non-Graduate Completers:  The total number of students who left a program before graduation but have acquired sufficient competencies for employment in the field of instruction or related field as evidenced by such employment.

Non-Graduate Completers Employed in Positions Related to Field of Instruction: As defined, a non-graduate completer must be employed in the field of instruction or related field as evidenced by such employment.

Graduate Completers Unavailable for Employment:  The number of graduate completers documented to be unavailable for employment because of situations such as pregnancy, other serious health-related issues (physical/mental/behavioral), caring for ill family members, incarceration, death, etc. ALSO, graduate completers who, instead of securing traditional employment, are volunteering with a foreign aid service of the Federal government, such as the Peace Corps, or who are participating on an official church mission.

Graduate Completers Who Refused Employment:  The number of graduate completers for whom the institution has documented evidence that the completers failed to keep interview appointments, enrolled in the program of instruction strictly for personal use, or simply refused an employment offer in the field of instruction.

Graduate Completers Waiting to Take Licensure Exam PLUS Graduate Completers who are Awaiting Results:  The number of graduates who have completed their programs of instruction and are waiting to take a state- or federally-administered licensure exam PLUS those graduates who took an exam and are still waiting for pass/fail results at the end of reporting period.

(A licensure examination program is a program of instruction where the graduate must pass a licensure examination in order to become employed in the field of instruction pursued. The term ‘certification’ is used by the Council to describe an optional credential a student may obtain to demonstrate competency in a specialized field of work.)

Placement: A completer of a program who (1) is employed in the field of education pursued or in a related field, or (2) has received the appropriate credential and entered the military or continued his/her education. Valid employment in the field or a related field includes placement in a permanent full- or part time position with an employer or employment agency, or self-employment in the field of education or a related field.

Related Field Placement: Placement of graduate and non-graduate completers in a broader field of work that uses the knowledge and skills gained in the program of study regardless of whether the work title specifically references the program of study. Graduate completers who secure employment in a field that does not require the knowledge and skills gained in the program of study for securing that employment must be classified as placed in an ‘unrelated’ fi ld. (Non-graduate completers, by definition, must secure employment in the field of study or a related field, employment that requires knowledge and skills gained in the program, or must be classified as withdrawals from the program of study.)